Saturday, 4 January 2020

Class 10 assignment reproduction

Assignment A
1. Define reproduction.
2. Define fertilization.
3. Where the fertilization does takes place in human female?
4. Name two type of reproduction.
5. What method will you use for growing jasmine and rose plant?
6. Define menstruation.
7. Write the name of male and female reproductive part of a flower.
8. Define gestation period. What is the gestation period in human?
9. Why do testes in mammals descend in scrotum?
10. Name the type of fission carried out by Amoeba.
11. Name two sexually transmitted diseases.
12. What is vegetative propagation?
13. Name the male and female gonads and what are the products they produce.
14. Which part of human female reproduction system is called ―birth canal and the ―womb?
15. Write the full form of IUCD and AIDS,
16. What is syngamy?
17. What is advantage of fruit formation in plant?
18. What is ovulation?
19. What is menopause?
20. What is the importance of the process of reproduction?
21. What is species?
22. Do organisms produce exact copies of themselves during reproduction?
23. What is the importance of variations?
24. Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the individuals?
25. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?